Blogger Template by Blogcrowds

This is the internet age, and almost every individual and company wants to have a web presence. A web page is an area on a website that contains some sort of information in one or more format. You require a web browser to access a web page. Each web page has a unique web address which may or may not be an extension of a domain or website address. When you log on to a website the home web page will first open. Thereafter you can navigate your way around the same page or jump to other pages using hyperlinks.

If you are a beginner and do not want to have a full-fledged website, you can start with a web page. You can start with a blog, which is a short form of weblog. A blog is a web page where you enter information on chronological order. You will require a web page host to store the information that you will enter on your blog web page. Having a blog is a cheaper and easier way to build our web presence.

Writing or posting pictures on a blog is not a very difficult task, but you will require a web page host and also may require an affiliation to a main website. The main website can also serve as the web page host.

A webpage host is a company that actually owns and manages a computer with a huge disk capacity that remains on at all times. The information on your blog is actually stored on this computer, which is called a web server. Once you have a web page host, your blog can be accessed by anyone globally at any time.

You will have to pay a small annual fee to the webpage host so that your blog remains online all the time. The web host will have different hosting packages for different requirements from which you will have to choose.

There are some very popular web page host blogging websites that allow you to create a blog for free. They provide you with the templates and the necessary training so that you can maintain your blog on your own.

You can also make money from your blog. You can place ads on your blogs and get paid for every person who clicks on the ads. You can also put a mailing list link and run a mailing list from your website. Then, you can also join a few affiliate programs and place their ads on your blog to earn some extra money.

You can promote your blog by placing the link on different social networking websites. This is one way to drive traffic to your blog. In order to attract people to your blog it must have a theme of some sort. Think about what you love and have your blog theme based on that.

You blog can have just text or even images and videos. The free blogging websites will limit your activities but if you go in for a paid web page host, you can embed flash and shockwave applications, java applets and interactive scripts to add animation, color and the element of public involvement to your blog.

When you feel that it's time to expand your activities, you can have an entire website with many web pages hosted by the webpage host.

If you would like more information please visit our website Web and Hosting


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